Herbert Modupi

Herbert Modupi

Regional Manager

Minerals Council

He specialises in Public Participation, Community Consultation, Community Engagement and Community liaison Services, stakeholder identification and mobilisation. Obtained over 19 years’ experience in training and facilitation of workshops, Conferences and Meetings for different organizations such as the Centre of Community Development, Golder Associates Africa, Zitholele Consulting and International Association of Public Participation (IAP2) AAP. His expertise includes development, implementation and evaluation of communication strategies for large scale projects e.g. Mining, Water Infrastructure, etc and has facilitated over four hundred and fifty workshops and meetings.

Holds international experience in several parts of the continent such as Swaziland, Lesotho, Namibia and Ghana and including PNG, Australia etc.

Recipient of the IAP2 2014 Core Values Awards in Excellence in Public Participation in Southern Africa: Project of the Winner and later followed by an international award for Core Values for Project of the Year by IAP2 held in Sydney, Australia. He served for three years on the board of advisors for Southern African Institute of Environmental Assessment, on increasing the capacity of NGO’s, Communities and different levels of government to participate better in environmental assessment processes in the SADC region, sponsored by World Bank.

Offers public participation, stakeholder engagement and conflict resolution courses and blue sky thinking between companies, communities and other stakeholder formations. Advocate and Pioneer on resolving conflict/deadlock cases through consultation, collaboration and value of shared knowledge for collective wisdom. Recipient of numerous awards for outstanding work in various projects and in recognition for the third best conference paper for IAIA-sa in 2005, Drakensburg, Kwa-Zulu Natal. Winner of the Core Values Award for IAP2 Southern Africa 2014 and IAP2 Global Award in the dame year.

Currently responsible for guiding and supporting the Coal Mining companies together with various spheres of government on collaboration initiatives in the Mpumalanga Province. Our approach is re-shaping, re-purposing and re-building a culture of creation of coal mine eco systems building on the triple C’s approach of Consulting, Collaborating and Co-Creating a dependable future for ALL.